Effleurage & Ki

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My Healing Services

Nurture your mind and body and soul  at Effleurage & Ki. I offer a range of integrative energy healing services in Bethel, Connecticut and other areas. Energy work is not a substitute for medical treatments, but it does complement conventional medical care and supports a person’s body to be in the best condition to heal.


Reiki, pronounced as “ray-key”, is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It requires a light touch or non-touch technique to improve the flow of energy in your body.

Through this process, I will lead you to a healthier and happier well-being. Hospitals and other health care facilities currently use Reiki with traditional medicine.

AromaTouch Technique

AromaTouch Technique balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. It is a method where essential oils are applied along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the feet and back.

This method was developed by Dr. David Hill, an expert in the fields of therapeutic application of essentials oils and integrative medicine.

Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing is a method of healing where your seven major chakras will be checked and cleared through Reiki and a pendulum. The pendulum amplifies the energy flow from each chakra.

Through this process, I will observe how energy is manifested by the pendulum’s swing. You will learn more about your chakras , where the energy flow is blocked and the symptoms that are connected to it.